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I wanna take a pic with Cardi B inside my cardigan N*iggas know I'm late, they call me shordie, Mr. Tardy Man I just smoke my weed and fuck these hoes, I'm not no party man Hit the plug and check that gas and take off in that Harley, man. I see a thotty with a booty Bitch, I'm fresh as hell, I got on Rick Owens mixed with Ksubi (Yes, sir) Call me shordie, A.K.A, Mr. Stashter, Mr. Frat Boy Get it going, I am a rapper. I can't stand n*iggas, get the fuck away from me (Okay) I don't fuck with you, so why the fuck you play with me? (Okay) You is not my gang, so you can't never stay with me (No way) Every time I step outside that house, that K with me (Hey). Play with the gang, you get whacked I cannot fuck with these rappin'-ass n*iggas, they cap I'm in the stu' with your bitch She sucking my dick with the MAC in the back. You said she was loyal, what happened to that? (What happened to that? What happened?) Hey, what happened to bitch? I got the stock and the K with the kick I'm in the party, the Glock on my dick. Hey, she wanna fuck 'cause I'm him (Him) If a n*igga play with me, that 30 on his temp' Ayy, I'm him and my bitch her, I am him and my bitch her What is one thing you wanna do before you leave this Earth? I wanna take a pic with Cardi B inside my cardigan N*iggas know I'm late, they call me Shordie, Mr. Tardy Man I just smoke my weed and fuck these hoes, I'm not no party man Hit the plug and check that gas and take off in that Harley, man
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(Edited by Idekmandy)
I used to be here A lot and it’s sad to see this place be so dead
(Edited by A Fandom user)
Pensio are given to those soldiers of the Empire that have served their term with honor, dignity, and glory. They have survived the many war zones of the Empire. For this their Emperor has a set plan for every faithful servant that would risk their life for his own glory.
Pensio are payments in: money, 'gifts', and land for the retired soldiers of the Empire usually in the forms of decent sized villas upon the garden worlds, a healthy life style, and a few servants to pamper their master in their golden years.
Pensio are far more 'extravagant' the higher up one goes in the military chain of command. Do note that military officials ranked major and above are considered 'nobles' within the eyes of the state. The Pensio of these individuals take the form of opulent lives and massive estates upon a variety of worlds and with a army of slaves at their disposal.This is far from the greatest Pensio the state offers. For retired members of the high command the role of planetary governor and even sector governors is offered which virtually makes them a noble of the highest according ruling over a entire planet usually from a massive palace complex.
Even greater then all of these is to be allowed to enter 'Paradisum' a place where only the greatest heroes and saints of the Empire will ever be allowed to enter. Popular myth claims it is a land of immortals where one's every wish and desire is fulfilled for all of eternity yet never feels boring or drag.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Leno is a 'mogul' as we would call it within the cloning industry of the Empire. Long has his armies of clones served the Empire, helped pamper the nobility, and feed his egotistical ways. It is said that the original Leno long ago found a old angelic cloning pod stuck in the side of the mountain cashed into a ancient temple of the long dead natives renown for their kings being almost identical and thought to be immortal.
Leno himself used to be part of a mining corporation and was a simple administrator for a single sector. He came from a well off semi-noble family known as 'The Oratas'. Upon finding the cloning pod he quite his old job (not after making his own corporation and buying the warrant for the sector) and began to clone himself thousands of times over quickly making slight changes (facial markings) to certain groups/castes to run his new utopia.
Leno virtually colonized the entire sector with, well himself. His new corporation focused on cloning, but also his old mining field and ship building become a massive conglomeration of corporations and businesses later on. They turned the newly named world of Summa into a series of massive cloning factories for both Leno's own needs and those of his clients looking for specialty servants, workers en mass, and some other optionsEventually the original Leno died and a crisis erupted the different classes begin to fight and tear at each other with each claiming to be far more 'perfect' then any of their similar brothers. A civil war was waged between the castes until finally out of the original pod arose what is said to be a 'perfect' copy of Leno himself. This reborn Leno (Leno-X2) divided the castes further by making each caste it's own 'corporation' with the leaders (clones of himself) being the CEO's as well as council men of Leno's utopia.
This process has continued with each new generation of Leno being slightly different from the last with Leno now looking like close cousins then brothers. The current ruler of the Leno is Leno-X32 another 'reborn leno'. The Leno are still nominally part of the Empire with the Empire granting the Horatus Sector as their own personal fief in exchange for clones and workers for the state.
It's pretty easy to find one of the Leno ships seeing as the entire crew would be made up of Lenos as well as their logo painted all over the damn thing.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
"There will never be enough individuals both willing and unwilling to fill the needs of the Imperial fleet thus, our visionary admiral Papias Empilia requested from the state entire cloning worlds dedicated to the production of the Cantav."
- Unkown
Cantav are in all reality clones/artificials born upon the clone worlds within 'The Vats' and are produced in industrial quantities for service within the ranks of the fleet from boarding marines, clerks, laborers, and all sorts of roles. They are seen as always one rank below 'natural born' within the same job field with the lowest ranking Cantav being nothing more then slaves for the machines of the fleet or as servants of the NCOs and officers of the fleet.Cantav although of low stature can be said to be 'beloved' by the fleet and generally well cared for (save those rebellious or defective few) and tend to live lives far better then the lowest 'free citizen'. They are organized into massive cohorts (with the largest ships needing entire legions of Cantav in single sections alone) with each 'flank' being lead by a NCO of usually natural born status. Cantav themselves perform the 'best' of the hard labor jobs as well as maintenance jobs with the worst jobs (bowls, pulling the guns into position, reloading said guns, yada yada) are given to the Penal workers.
Cantav also serve on the front lines of the Imperial fleet in either segregated or mixed units of marines. They are the front line infantry of the fleet seen guarding the ships, patrolling the fleet's facilities, and in boarding or landing parties of all sorts. Cantav tend to be used in many diverse regiments while the 'natural born' are used usually as shock troops.Some Cantav earn their way into the ranks of the officer and at times even the high command of the Imperial fleet. Some Cantav have also earned infamous reputations after staging revolts or supporting in them. While Cantav may be beloved by the crew their is no mercy for rebels of any type within the Emperor's navy no matter their rank or birth status.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
- Carved onto the plauge upon the 500ft tall base of the statue of 'The Emperor' on the port world of Ianua.Ianua is the migrant capital of the Empire long being the farthest point of true 'civilization' within the Empire (on the side pointing to Andromeda). Every day countless billions maybe even trillions are unloaded on the massive mass transit ships, given rudimentary inspections, and either allowed to enter the Empire or left to rot at the gates.
Ianua is a trade hub as well being a safe bastion in rather violent star systems as well as the only military presence for sectors around. While the huddled masses go through the massive lines of inspections and customs high above the millions of merchant ships and traders go through their own inspections to try and get access to the markets of the Empire or to come home after a long journey beyond the Empire's borders.
As can be expected many millions of individuals make it their life's duty to provide, help, or swindle all sorts of people on Ianua from venders, financial aid, transportation, as well as seedy businesses looking for new clients.
When new migrants arrive they immediately sent through processing and either accepted into the fold of the Empire or denied (very few statistically speaking are denied due to the rather low standards the officials employ here) once they pass through the 'golden gates' and into the Empire they now have a few choices in front of them, or forced upon them:
- They can apply to work for the state and would thus be given a rather stable job, apartment, and decent pay only for the price of being a slave to the state for pretty much the rest of their life and becoming virtually a prole. This is one of the more 'common' choices a new citizen of the Empire will make.
- They can work for some sort of 'private' industry usually in the from of assembly lines, servants, laborers, or sweat shops. Usually they are offered better apartments and pay then what the state offers, but once they stop being of use the overseers tend to throw them back into the streets
- Lastly some are impressed into service or kidnapped by all sorts of people. Sometimes it's the local militia, Imperial regiments in need of recruits, the Imperial Fleet, or all sorts of gangs and cults.
No matter what choice they make they will also be swarmed by politicians (or their servants) looking for the votes of the people. For this purpose they give money, food, and all sorts of hand outs as well as supporting things like hostels and entertainment.The current lord of Ianua is Lord Cupid de Luxus a rather corrupt and more importantly fat overlord of the port world. He rules with a iron fist and both the local military units and his own private armies. He makes sure that the finest migrants become part of his court, his laborers, or his slaves. Anyone that would dare cheat him will in turn find themselves dead in the streets.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Gun slingers are a type of person within the Empire who generally bear some sort of fire arm normally in the form of a laser pistol and tend to live lives of adventure, violence, and death. Of course this is only the Gun slingers that 'live the life' the term can be given to anyone that happens to be having a 'street duel' which are really just quick shooting matches till one of the participants (and sometimes both) lie dead in the street.
Even in the darkest sections of the Empire honor is still prevalent and the willy nilly killing of someone is generally seen as a cowards act. It is the belief that the only way to kill someone is face to face in a duel. For the upper class these take the forms of swords man ship and for the lower sections of societies pistol duels. There is no real Empire wide laws on duels, but generally they include three steps:
1. The duel is offered by one individual to another who has the choice to either accept the duel or say no. Generally saying no to a duel is seen as cowards, but certain situations make it 'reasonable'. If the individual happens to say yes they must quickly agree on a time, place, and what weapons they will bare. 2. They arrive at the time, place, and with their weapons if one does not show up the other party automatically wins what ever was placed on the table or has the right to seek them out and force them to duel on the spot. Most duels take place in the street with each taking roughly 30 paces (Orcu's steps as they are known) and turn around facing the other. At what ever signal they have agreed upon they can fire, run, duck, or dodge until one of them lies dead in the street.3. Who ever wins gets the spoils and probably becomes the talk of the town for a few hours in the least. If both die, well it becomes a first come first serve type deal.
The state sanctions these duels for two reasons: one it would be too hard to actually shut down these duels and two it actually helps curb crimes as most violent criminals die in these duels. So common are these duels that a party, hour in a club, or any day is seen as 'boring' if a few duels haven't taken place already. In some areas of the Empire duels are the only law around these worlds being the frontiers or just rather lawless worlds in general. Here the only way honorable way to get justice is through duels.Duelists can also fight duels just to fight (mainly for fame and monetary reward) all across the Empire are many famous and green gun slingers wandering the Empire looking for fellow duelists to fight to the death usually in purpose made arenas for the enjoyment of the crowds or in busy street corners to attract the most publicity. Such individuals tend to wear flashy clothing seeing as: if you're going to die might as well go out in style.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Wretches are a ancient and rather horrendous cult within the known universe. They are obsessed with making, mutating, and augmenting all sorts of creatures and battle beasts normally from kidnapped individuals.
They are said to be a lost section of the cult of Vulkan using their love for technology and instead of serving the Empire has decided to accept the will of their dark god known as Vejov. They had made it their mission to perfect genetic arts as well as getting any genetic information they require by any means necessary. Wretch cults are found in the dark places of the universe with the sickly under cities, frontier worlds, or upon worlds they have (alongside others) conquered.
Wretch make use of all sorts of beasts and monster to expand their reach, kill their rivals, and to take what ever they want. They are bound by no government or any known leaders in all reality they are divided into many different 'clans' who either have a home base or live in semi-nomadic fleets.
The monsters themselves are either bred or born in the vats upon their ships or in their hiding holes. At times Wretch have been known to kidnap individuals and to then augment them to hell creating their 'perfect monster' to obey their every command and really to kill stuff for their master's enjoyment.
Wretch also have a business side selling off monster they have gotten 'board' with and selling all sorts of gene enhancements, stimulants, and other such materials either for recreational, athletic, or some darker uses. Generally it's pretty easy to buy such materials from a Wretch as they seem to lack morals what so ever and could care less about the chaos their monsters or stimulants cause.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Vigils are the most common police of the Empire. Many trillions find themselves within the paramilitary ranks of the Vigils. The main role of the Vigils is to guard Imperial ships, installations, as well as enforce the law across the Empire. Think of them as police that also double as enforcers and marines all in one.
They can be seen across the Empire and are a sub branch of the Militum and Classis. Although they may be technically 'part' of the Military they are actually managed by the Vigilistum or the police arm of the Empire and thus they are paramilitary in fashion. In this way they are equipped with the armor and weapons of the military and the iron will of the Vigilstum as well as traditions from both sections.
Vigils are split into three main types:
- PDF (Planetary Defense Forces) are made up of the lowest ranks of both the local police forces/military as well as large regiments of Vigils (generally both are dressed in the same uniforms and use the same equipment, but in these formations the Vigils are seen as a 'elite'). This Vigils serve mainly in wards or more commonly known as: Districts. This can be anything from a city of sorts to a entire continent (depending on the world). Vigils that serve with the PDF are recruited from other worlds as the Vigilistum has never allowed it's members to serve on the world of their birth (to cut down on bias in law enforcement)
- Maritime Vigils or 'Marines' are the police forces of the many ships, ports, and colonies in the Empire (colonies are technically under the Classis' administration). They are made up of mainly ex-soldiers or the elite of the Vigilistum and are really in effect Imperial Marines who know enforce the law instead of being full time shock troopers.
- Guard Vigils are the elite of the Vigils organized into large Cohorts used to be deployed en-mass and are used to quell riots, rebellions, or to enforce the law upon rebellious worlds. Guard Vigils can also find themselves into the position as body guards of the lower to medium ranking officials of the Empire (Higher ups tend to have private armies of Lictors) as well as embassy duty.The main duty of the Vigils no matter their role is simple: while hereditary or native police forces at times suffer from bribery or corruption the Vigils are the unflinching and loyal enforcers of the Empire expected to do their duty across the Empire with unquestioning loyalty.
The Vigils as a mark of their office wear the colors of grey and black and bear the symbol of a eagle clutching a gavel. A symbol known across the Empire and beyond striking fear into the hearts of the criminals and dregs of society.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
For the Imperial State to survive it is necessary for armies of laborers, entire planets dedicated to the goods production/requirement of the state, and a massive bureaucracy known to most simple as: The Administratum.
The State in a 'humanitarian' way provides many free services for it's people and as any decent minded individual would know: nothing is really free. This is a lesson the State has taken to heart , but instead of purchasing the grain, building materials, and other materials the State both takes tithes from it's worlds as 'payment' for the Empire's protection as well as owning the mineral rich and fertile worlds from which they get 100% of all goods produced on said worlds without having to worry about middle men.
These planets are known by many names, but their 'official' title are: Administratum Worlds. The population of these worlds are really just the workers who are made up of slaves, criminals, and cheap labor and then the 'overseers' who are well the overseers, imperial officials, and administrators of said world and it's businesses. Positions on these worlds are highly sought after by the lower and middle ranks of the State bureaucracy and often lead to small fights and lots of bribery when such a position opens.The State is also expected to provide for it's officials and workers within it's ranks for this some worlds are required to hand over both tithes of material resources and plenty of luxury goods. The state also builds many fine villas, pent houses, and apartment blocks for it's workers (although the higher ups tend to purchase their own living spaces from their salary, private dealings, and bribes).
The state also has it's own transportation networks, private lanes, and their own special ports, docks, and stations from which their personal can travel quickly and without interruption between the Empire and not be stuck in the traffic of the common citizens. If this cannot be achieved in certain systems the State keeps as it's right to confiscate/take over any lane or station if it is deemed necessary for the State and it's goals this generally leads to back ups in the civilian system when ever this takes place, but hey the State takes priority.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Sorry, couldn't resist invoking the trope. It is twenty years into the reign of King Elessar. Rohan and the Reunited Kingdom are flourishing. The High Elves are mostly gone, though some remain. The Wood Elves are thriving however, and the Avari are, well, they're the Avari. The Dwarves are also prosperous, but some of the youngest are voluntarily living among Men instead if they are near; to the elder Dwarves this is very troubling. The exception to this trend are the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain.
To the East and South, trade is flourishing; treaties with the Men of those regions has brought many exotic goods west, ranging from Haradrim sugar and kafay to Xin silk and spices. All Minas Anor needs is some everything nice and they could start a little girl factory.
The only real issue this past year, in fact, was the tragic death of the old Atmoran King Decimus. A few months ago he simply took ill and died. He and his twin sons, Marius and Antimarius had been a near unstoppable trio alongside Elessar and King Eomer on their joint campaigns. Marius as a charismatic asskicker who led from the front beaide the great kings and Antimarius as the genius behind many a winning strategy. And Decimus was the level-headed center on which the other two rotated. Many leaders had genuinely liked the man for his common sense and honesty. After the funeral, Marius disappeared, and Antimarius withdrew into his studies.
But there was another son. Tacitus, arguably the most deadly and intelligent of the three brothers, was the heir. People hardly ever see him these days, but just this week he launched an attack on one of the independent city-states between the Atmoran and Xin territories. It was not long after that you received a letter from an anonymous person, telling you to meet him at an inn in Dale called the Rotting Dragon. The sign is supposed to have an image of Smaug's corpse on it. The sender only said that you have specific skills he needs. They also instruct that you are to go up to the bar, tap on the counter three times, and ask thw innkeep to rent the cellar room. It says she will know what to do from there. You can investigate or ignore it, up to you... but then, you'd never know what would javw happened, would you?
(Edited by administrators)
Karav are a semi-nomadic warrior culture built around many clans or on the more civilized worlds 'houses'. They are a warrior and martial culture that have long thought that violence is the only way to solve there issues and problems. Diplomacy is laughable and bribery is simple cowardice. All actions should be backed by power and all life should live by the sword. That is the Karav creed.
The Karav as a people are a mixture of multiple near human species that either came form the same home world or where 'honored additions' to the Karva people, all by rite of combat of course. They live across the known universe in nomadic fleets or smaller family units. Not all live this way some have carved out their own nations in a vast amount of territory known simply as: Karav space.
Karav are united in a basic culture, language, and shared traditions as well as the common decency to, generally, look out after the other clans if it is for mutual survival. They are divided however on various clan rivalries and feuds that often lead to small skirmishes and honor duels and at times large scale "Clan wars"Karav as you can guess love to fight and have been fighting for quite some time this can take the form of actual war's of conquest to settle grievances with their neighbors or these wars could be simply to expand their power and reach even further. Almost any respective power can trace at least one war or skirmish they have fought with the Karav. The most famous of all of these are the 'Grand Crusades' that first put the Karav on the map and wrestled virtually two galaxies into Karav space.
Some Karav belong to no clan or host and instead find their thirst for battle fulfilled as mercenaries for hire. It is said that Karav mercenaries are some of the finest one can hire and they are found in the thralls of the richest, famous, and successful gangs, war bands, or even armies.Generally all Karav wear similar armor for 'honor' reasons with the same design being used for uncountable millennia and has yet to truly fail the Karav.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
The Hateful One, God of War, and the Lord of Carnage are some of his many titles. He is known as Menrva or at times she is known as Uni. He is the God of violence in both it's simplistic, complex, and instinctive nature. All forms no matter from what they spread feed his bloody hunger. All emotions that come from or 'enhance' violence he is also the God of or influences, for example: Rage, Passion, and Hate are all within his realm.
Menrva sits upon a thrown of stone as red as blood and from it's pores and cracks blood itself seeps out surrounding and supporting his throne is/are massive piles and pillars of skulls. It is said his throne will continue to grow as long as life exists within the universe only when the last drop of blood is shed will his throne stop it's ascension. It is also said that on that day Menrva will step down from his throne and kill the Gods themselves, with his hoard of eternal followers of course.
Menrva spreads violence and war across the universe by either his own demonic forces or his mortal followers. The way of the sword is the only life Menrva sees for the universe and seeks to bring what his followers known as the 'Unending War' to the universe a time of, as the name states, never ending war and slaughter across every plane of existence.
Menrva is the most awarding of all the Gods. He only casts away his followers once they die a glorious death in his many battles. Those that fight the good fight will always earn the favor of the God of War being gifted great weapons, victories, and most importantly eternal fame.
To follow the path of Menrva is to live a life of never ending violence, but it is a life of fulfillment for throughout this great journey Menrva gifts what could be called 'satisfaction' to his followers in what ever way they desire. In the end of his greatest champion's lives Menrva offers eternal life: fighting for all of eternity within his own great hall with the other heroes of legend.The followers of Menrva are the endless hoards of warriors across the universe. They can serve him knowingly in the many death, blood, and war cults that spread his holy name across the universe. Or can simply fight and kill others. Those of his followers that truly catch his eye may be gifted the greatest gift of all: Menrva sends one of his own demons to inhabit their body turning the individual into a avatar of war and blood shed. Only in the greatest wars are such individuals summoned.
Menrva has no rivals or allies. He could care less about others plots and ambitions as Menrva himself is a force of nature wholly obsessed with his never ending wars and blood shed.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
The Laughing One, The Trickster God, and The Careless Fool are some of his many titles, he that is known as Risu the God of tricks in all their forms. He is also the God of chance, twists, and turns and is said to either guide or laugh at one's fate as well as laugh at the other Gods. Risu himself takes the appearance of a slender being wearing bright clothing and always having a three sided mask covering his face. Covering his clothing are the many symbols his followers across the universe wear. In other tales he appears as three separate Gods all constantly arguing, cutting each other off, and eerily finished each other's sentences.
Risu is in all reality the God of tricks in both the humorous and plotting way and this also makes Risu the God of revenge. He feeds off of such energy as well as laughter itself (although in the coping mechanism). It is said that Risu is the cause of anxiety in the universe as well as it's coping mechanisms. All which feed his eternal hunger. Risu also encourages such things as deception, stealth, creativity, and art within the people of the universe with each spawning a minor god of sorts (The Fates) who are all part of Risu and his dutiful servants.
It is aid that Risu sits upon a thrown made out of many trillions of individuals writhing in agony as they hold up his throne meanwhile Risu sits laughing at their and the universe's despair and misfortune occasional waving his hand and causing both fortune and misfortune across existence itself.Now don't start thinking that Risu is evil, no he just loves a good joke of any type. He has no sense of morals or ethics and is open and loves all type of comedy, tricks, and deception and influences those who do such acts. If one is in Risu's favor it could be said they, for a time, enter in a bliss of fortune and good luck. Until the joke grows old and Risu finds another to favor casting the old puppet away.
Risu's followers are split into the knowing and unknowing. The knowing directly follow a life of tricks and really chaos in rather artistic and lavish costumes and uniforms. They can be anything from what we would call clowns, mimes, to vandals, thugs, and psychopathic killers. The unknowing are those who do those things "just because" they have no idea they feed Risu or give him power within the mortal realm.Risu also has hosts of demonic followers who he summons to cause chaos and disorder. They are avatars of Risu's own sick humor generally being murderous demons that only laugh the entire time they slaughter uncountable innocents. Others feed off of fear and anxiety and are shape shifters taking the from of what ever said individual fears the most.
Risu has many rivals with his most hated rival being Immuta the Lord of Change. They can be said to be perfect rivals as Immuta is cold, slow, and orderly while Risu is passionate, fast paced, and chaotic in nature. While Immuta has his 'Great Game' and a well ordered realm Risu merely is there for the ride doing everything only in the context of the moment and could care less about the bigger picture.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
The Tal'Akkuran Republic is a nation located primarily in the Sagittarius Elliptical Dwarf, with a few colonies in the Milky Way. They are a mostly peaceful state, as they generally have little contact with other large empires and are generally quite pacifistic. They are renowned for their culture and sophistication, as well as an incredibly robust and effective administration. The main species within it are the Tal'Akkur.
The Tal'Akkur are a very culturally diverse and yet unified nation. They are very accommodating to other people and their is essentially no strife of any kind within their community (there is disagreement, but this is always taken good-heartedly and with respect). They often incorporate small nations, some that have not even reached K1 into their nation, and as such a large portion of the population, especially in the farther reaches of the Republic, is largely of non-Tal'Akkur. If a world is inhabited by a very warlike species, they can generally be neutralised and then incorporated, growing to the same level of respect as the Tal'Akkur over a few generations and having virtual reality arenas for them to keep on practicing their culture. All nations are treated that they are unique and can keep on living how they like, but in harmony with the rest of the Republic.
While they tend to be either atheistic or deistic, some religions still exist, although most of these have very much in common with deism and holism.
Tal'Akkur tend to be quite ecological, and there are multiple zoo complexes within their empire, each housing billions of animals in their natural habitats. The largest is a ringworld system entirely devoted to animals, and hosts millions of ecosystems from across the universe, often with millions of specimens of individual species within them. All in all, it is home to trillions of beings larger than flies, and possibly quadrillions when insects are included, sextillions if including smaller lifeforms. It is constantly being expanded, and is about a quarter-way to completion.
Arts are beloved and huge fraction of the population either makes or just enjoys arts made by others. They are masters of sculpting, painting, cinematography, writing and much more, and their art is generally regarded as the best in the universe. Some of their sculptors are so precise that they sometimes need to use sight-enhancement (usually goggles which act as microscopes, but some of the most devoted sculptors replace their old eyes with artificial ones). The industry is so huge that artistry makes up their biggest export and is sold all over the universe, though this tends to be the less intricate and interesting art which not even all of them can appreciate.
They love languages, and linguistics is a very popular field. Most Tal'Akkur can speak multiple languages, usually those of the races they usually come into contact with, and their voices are well suited to lots of different vocals.
(Edited by Elestan Larcalaite)
Venandi or more commonly known as 'Hunters' are a strange from of cop, paramilitary, and private contractors hired out by the state and the Vigilistum to hunt down targets across the Empire. These can be from a simple run and gun mission, hunting down a target upon a transit ship, or years of detective work to hunt down the most dangerous threats to the Empire.
Usually Venandi are ex-military or game hunters who have run down on their luck or do such work on the side. No matter where they came from they are all expected to take a basic test, examination, and 'information session' to see if they really have the right stuff for the State's dirty work or if they are unfit for such work (to trigger happy). Generally those rejected by the state become seedy bounty hunters or hit men for who ever is paying.
Individuals that do pass the basic tests are given a imperial pass (to get around the Empire with ease), communication equipment, and some funds for their mission. At the end of a mission they receive payment of what ever has agreed upon before or something of equal value.
The two most important pieces of equipment the Venandi receive are:
- Their gun which is either standard issue laser pistol or their own private side arm (at times they may loan a rifle of some sorts). This is the very heart of a Venandi with the 'way of the gun' being their life code and the gun itself keeping them alive and their prey dead.- Their ship of either standard issue or their own ship (if private it receives Imperial markings and code so it can pass through inspections with minimal difficulty). The ship is their home and transport in between missions and sometimes during them. Not all Venandi receive ships how ever some are used on a planetary level and receive basic ground transportation and a apartment of sorts.
Venandi are split into two main 'classes':
- Monster Hunters hunt down mutants, rouge beasts, and all sorts of dark and disturbing creatures within the Empire. They could be hired for long distance/term missions, but this is rare at best. Most are hired locally to deal with beasts that have lurked out of the under city and have decided to maul or eat local citizens. Think of Monster Hunters as your pest control save they don't use nets instead they use lethal force.- Man Hunters hunt down fugitives across the Empire (Political prisoners and other such individuals are generally handled by the state's own assassins) and usually shot to kill although in some cases the State wants the target alive. Most Man Hunters are hired for medium or long length terms/missions in which they are expected to stalk their target for a few days before actually hunting them down.
Venandi as individuals are really divided into two types of people: those who enjoy the hunt and those that hate their job, but still trug along. For the first it is not uncommon for such Venandi to take trophies from their kills and to openly boast about their successful missions. For the later it's not uncommon to see them drinking heavily after a mission in some shady establishment.(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
Cerrit and Alium are names for the 'freaks' of the Empire either the most exotic aliens, mutants, or strange coincidences. They tend to be found (if the mutation is not deemed exotic, but monstrous) within the under cities rejected by society. Others are found in freak shows, markets, and as 'private entertainers', and many other locations and institutions across the Empire.
Those with mutations or abnormalities are generally seen as curiosities within the Empire and are rather popular as entertainers and slaves across the Empire. it is not uncommon for even middle class families to have a 'abnormal' pet of some sort and for the rich it is almost expected for them to have all sorts of strange and exotic creatures/things as pets or show pieces.
This only goes to a extent though. Some mutations are seen as demonic or just plain 'foul' and such individuals are persecuted by the citizenry of the Empire and at times deemed to monstrous to even be allowed to live. For this job the Empire established the: Monstrum Venandi known in the low tongue as 'Monster Hunters'
The most common occupation for Cerrits (entertainer type mutants) is show work which simply can be sitting around and letting flocks of people simply look at you or Cerrits can work within clubs and brothels of the Empire. The most exotic/valuable Cerrits work as private or party entertainers for the rich and wealthy. Think of it as a fancy toy to impress the guests.Alium take a different route their mutation has made them perfect for use as exotic fighters within the Empire's many arenas. They can be both sentient beings as well as mutated beasts (naturally or artificially mutated). They are some of the most popular fighters in the arenas with all sorts of variation and in the terms of the arena wild cards.
All mutant slaves are sold within the slave markets of the Empire in specific sections called 'Monster Rows' at times worlds dedicate themselves to this trade and would have entire 'Monster Markets'.(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)
The Numericon is the statistics arm of the Empire and it's bureaucracy. It is also the record keeping arm of the Empire with it directly owning both the public and imperial libraries and some rumors say they have entire secret libraries full of the supposedly 'lost history' and forbidden history.
The Numericon itself is split into many different 'arms' with each having a specific function or being a arm of the Numericon within the other Adeptas. Each Arm is lead by a 'chancellor' who is formally is answerable only to the Lord of the Numericon and the head of the Adepta they work within. The major arms are as follows:
- The Atrium deals with the record keeping, data gathering, and recording needs of the Vigilistum and it's installations. The staff of the Atrium are stationed across the Empire writing down court transaction, gathering information of criminals, keeping up to date (or as best as they can) prison records, and many other roles.
- The Annales deals with straight up record keeping for all of the Empire which they keep in massive data towers, catacombs, and libraries for various purposes. They also run the servers that keep most of this information and has members trained to search through these servers as fast as possible to find the necessary information for their fellow Numericon workers within the Adeptas.
- The Conscribo deals with military records and things like drafts and enlistment records. They also keep track of payments, materials, and logistics for the military at large.
- The Tributum records tithe amounts and the necessary payments later on for each and every planet of the Empire as well as marking if a planet is due or not for a tithe or has dared to skip payments to the State. They tend to have collection officers following the mighty tithe fleets to properly record everything that has been handed over to the state and to see if this was the listed amount (although extra is always good)
- The Speculor is a massive series of spy rings, informants, and other individuals who work directly for the state and generally the Vigilistum. The Numericon has taken it upon itself to not only record the notes and information of these individuals, but to directly monitor and train said individuals.- The Censors deal with removing heretical or slanderous (slanderous against the Empire) language from the Empire at large, publicly. Out of the public eye the Censors make hit lists of individuals who need to be silenced for the good of the state and send these list to the assassins of the Emperor.
The Numericon itself directly owns the 'learning centers' of the Empire providing it's records and the workers who keep the institutions running. The Numericon is also one of the largest buyers of slaves and proles within the Empire as it's massive hoard of clerks is every growing like the Empire itself.Within the ranks of the Numericon are many billions of clerks, scribes, and many others with the lowest workers being a simple clerk in a records office to the 'Lords of Records' who have massive villas and generally collections of their own on the paradise worlds.
(Edited by Dark dwarves 2)