Let the games begin!
Idea thread:http://middle-earth-roleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:253040
What's on your mind?
Let the games begin!
Idea thread:http://middle-earth-roleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:253040
After entering the hallway, the group comes to what seems like some sort of checkpoint. The lights are dim and faded, presumably from time. Then, that voice is heard again.
"Allow me to welcome you, officially, to the Eternity Vault. I'm sure you will find this visit incredibly informative."
The doors to the hallway close and seal behind you.
"As, I'm certain, will I. Unfortunately, the security gates are no longer online, but your being potentially armed will only make things more interesting for me. So please, enter the first room, and we can begin the tour."
The next door opens.
The Troskallan System. A single white star surrounded by several asteroid fields that are in fact the remnants of several Metaform colonies, destroyed during the Black Hole Wars. It is located right on the galactic northern edge of the Milky Way, staring out into a void with the galaxy behind it. This system is a waystation for the Murrcioun Syndicates, and includes several small docks and trading posts. It is also the home of a Murrcioun prison complex.
A vessel is currently docked in one of the trading posts, preparing to transfer the prisoner No'u, found guilty of attempted mass murder and destruction of Syndicate property, to the prison. And this being a waystation for most galactic northern rim trade routes, there are a few interesting characters around.
In the story section of the template, please include the reason your character is at the waystation. Are they also a prisoner? Are they a Syndicate member (remember that the Syndicate is a free haven. Anyone is welcome)? Are they a merchant from somewhere else? Are they on their way to see a public attraction in the rim? Are they perhaps a spy or a mercenary? Any number of these could be true. We will begin once everyone has made a character.
To realize the mythical Holy Grail, which is said to grant any wish to its possessor, seven Masters are given seven Heroic Spirits chosen by the Grail.
These Heroic Spirits, or "Servants", are:
Saber, the Heroic Spirit of the Sword,
Lancer, the Heroic Spirit of the Spear,
Archer, the Heroic Spirit of the Bow,
Rider, the Heroic Spirit of the Mount,
Caster, the Heroic Spirit of Magic,
Assassin, the Heroic Spirit of Murder,
and Berserker, the Heroic Spirit of Battle Madness.
Each Master enters into a contract with their Servant, and must battle the other Masters and Servants to the death until only one pair remains... This is the "Holy Grail War," a battle royale to decide ownership of the terrible power that can accomplish any desire.
The setting is New York City.
Rules -
There can be only one Servant of each class.
Servants must be famed persons from history, however, not all famous people will fit the Servant classes. Generally, Servants must be from the periods prior to the past hundred years.
Generally, it's wise to keep your Servant's identity a secret. This means using your Noble Phantasm immediately is usually not the best of plans.
Command Seals are three "ultimate orders" that you can utilize on your Servant. They can make impossibilities like teleportation and time travel possible for the Servant. They're the mark of being a Master: if you use them all, you will automatically lose the War.
The Ruler-class Servant, "Heroic Spirit of the Crown", is the arbitrator and overseer of the Holy Grail War. This will be represented by the GM, who will also participate as all unclaimed Servants.
Command Seals used by the Ruler-class Servant must be obeyed.
Specific questions about the War, Masters, Servants, Noble Phantasms, etc. will be handled by Faenor on Discord or a post to his wall.
If you wish to join, PM Faenor on Discord: since the Servant's identity is meant to be secret as long as possible, it's not a good plan to blurt it out for all the world to see, hm?
Master -
Description -
Servant Class -
Description -
Master - The Holy Grail.
Description - The omnipotent wish-granting "cup of heaven" for which the War is being fought.
Servant Class - Ruler
Description - A woman with black hair and sapphire eyes, wearing a long white gown, a blue shawl, a white mantilla, and carrying a long wooden staff.
Master - Seph Hayes
Description - A young mage, with brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail, green eyes, and well-dressed in a white dress-shirt, bolo, blue dress-pants, a blue coat-vest, and a brown trench coat.
Servant Class - Assassin
Description - A young woman with short golden hair bound by a black ribbon and silvery eyes, in a red robe.
Okay! The family that is this wiki is setting out on a road trip from Maryland to San Diego.
I, the eldest sibling in the Wiki Family, shall be leading the road trip, but our parents are back in San Diego, so other then responsable elder silings there is no organization or supervision.
You can all bring along friends, or even play as a family friend hitching a ride. The template is
Short Description:
Role in family:
Amount of money:
I assume you guys already know my characters by now, but I'll fill it out anyways.
Name: Jonathan Wiki
Short Description: responsable, calm, intelligent
Role in family: Eldest brother
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Amount of money: $55.80
Luggage: Shaving kit, blanket, several changes of clothes, a few packs of cigarettes, soap, shampoo, twizzlers, some other stuff
Other: much to everybody's annoyance, John smokes
Name: Tina "Murdock" Turner
Short Description: REALLY flirtatious, REALLY insane. Basically an all-round ditz
Role in family: John's insane former girlfriend that somehow convinced him to let her hitch a ride to California to visit family
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Amount of money: ???
Luggage: ???
Other: Currently dating Wallace Wells
Name: Clara Owens
Short Description: quiet, kind, beautiful
Role in family: John's girlfriend
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Amount of money: ???
Luggage: ???
Name: Wallace Wells
Short Description: sarcasting, annoying, obnoxious
Role in family: John's best friend, though nobody's really sure why
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Amount of money: kinda rich
Luggage: ???
Other: Currently dating Tina Turner
(This is only for RPers who have a good adventuring characters. So no Leaders of factions, super heroes, important people, powerful villians, and the such. I must approve your character, and don't be sad if I don't allow you in. I only want a few RPers in this RP)
Your character hears rumors about an artifact at a tavern you happen to be at. You walk over to a table to see a female figure in a white cloak, leather and iron armour pieces, and generally laid back, decent adventure attire. At first glance, her form is very fair, but a second glance reveals many light yet deadly weapons, and tools; some hidden and some in plain sight. She looks up at you to reveal her deep purple eyes and snow white hair. She talks in a timid, yet strong voice. "You. Yes, you mangy lot. I've been looking for some companions. How would you like to help me on this adventure? We'll split the loot."
Alright. That's enough for now. Fill out this form, and know that this RP isn't canon, and that many of you WILL die, even if you are cautious and smart.
Appearance (body, not attire):
Please fill it all out, and once I have a good number of players, we will begin...
We are in the forth age and peace rules but how can a crown change the life in Middle Earth? Many questions need to be answered. One day, a man went to visit the Misty Mountains and he found an ancient arifact. A crown. He went close and wore it but the crown burnt him alive and he was never seen again. The free people of Middle Earth did some research and found that this crown gives whoever wears it unbelievable power but evil found out too...
Whoever wears the crown is unstoppable so it must be destroyed because if it falls in the wrong hands....Only one with a very strong will can maintain that power...
A group of trained warriors went to the location of the crown but they had to complete three tasks and they failed in the first one...
Name: Galahad
Race: Elf
Faction: None
Gender: Male
Weapons: Syron, his black sword with the golden hilt and his golden bow
Armour: His black/golden armour
Skills: Incredibly good with swords and bows and he knows some dark magic
Location: Gondor
XSYZ is an international organisation that takes care of the crime in the New York City and the whole Anerica. The leader's name is Stroke. They have a building under the empire state building. They have many weapons and all kinds of gadgets. XSYZ was created in 1898 and since then it stops all the terrorists and many organisations. But the Dark Vipers a terrorist organisation wants to destory the White house and get the codes of nuclear explosives to destory America and the whole world. The leader of the Dark Vipers calls himself Red Death. They made have robotic armour and futuristic stuff and gadgets. You can either be a member of XSYZ or the Dark Vipers. This starts in 2017 when the Dark Vipers attacked in an army camp but the army couldn't handle them so they called XSYZ
Character Template
Name: Chris
Code name: Siviper
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Years in XSYZ: Since he was 16
Weapons: Barret (you can call your weapons assault rifle, sniper etc), SCAR-L and a glock. He also has two knives.
Equipment: Sotz (bomb of XSYZ) and flash grenade. He also has a special helmet that can read everything and thermal glasses. Jetpack and a lazer pencil. (Characters can get more stuff eventually)
Story: Chris's father died fighting terrorist organisations by the side of XSYZ. He was raised by his mother until he bacame 16. Then the Dark Vipers went inside his own house and killed his mother and captured him. He escaped with the help of XSYZ and he stayed there. The Dark Vipers were always hunting him.
Position: He is inside a truck and he goes to the camp to save the situation.
Everyone has been asking for one.
You know the rules.
Enter in who you are going to use, then wait for my word to begin.
HAVE FUN! But remember... I am the game master... I what I say can even break lore, ok?
After the war of the ring, a new, much worse threat appeared... The Imperials. They brought strange new loud crossbow looking devises (colonial level guns) with massive armies of men. It has been five months now, and the armies of middle earth are banding together to the red mountains to fight this threat. Orcs, dwarves, men, and elves are fighting this threat together. They fight for their homeland...
Have fun. This RP is for fun.
No arguing. Take them ALL off thread.
No narrations. I narrate all battles unless I give you permission.
Be reasonable. No Godmodding and all that...
Have fun!
As we all (or at least most of us) know that after the one ring was destroyed it ended the ages of magic and the age of men began. A rouge unnamed Valar which I will leave up to speculation took it upon himself to restore magic to Arda. The Vala blessed various various beings from all walks of life within M-E, you are these blessed beings. As a Mage you begin weak but as your power grows so does the desire to rule like the late Saruman. Set in the mid fourth age most elves orcs and dwarves are diminishing magical lands such as Lorien are losing land and men are begining to rule the realm.
Your power is first come first serve, Pyromancer or Necromancer will probably be the first to go only one player per Element/power
PvP and Major PvE will be settled by me
I will determine which abilities you get each time you "Level up"
More will come
This is the basic character creation template feel free to tweak as each character will require different catagories
Name: Galim
Race: Haradrim (Dwarven Raised)
Gender: Male
Magic (if applicable): Hemomancy, (manipulation of blood, much like Skarlet for those of you who play MK9)
Weapon (if applicable): Dual crossbows, scimitar, trap making supplies
Position: Wanderer
Basic powers aquired at beginning of RP: (Leave this Blank I will fill it in for you)
Here are some power ideas but it is not limited to what is listed
-Aquamancy/Cryomancy (water and ice)
-Geomancy (earth)
-Biomancy (life such as plants and animals)
-Holy magic (holy to M-E religions such as worship to Eru or the Valar, no outside religions)
-Chonomancy (Time)
And the list goes on, don't see any you like? get creative.
It is the 4th age it is calm in MiddleEarth after The War of the Ring untill.A strange new dwarf clan emerges from the grey mointains they are elusive and travel through the angmar mountains,misty mountains, white mountains ahd grey mountains with ease. They raid villages near these mountains leaving none alive they Kill men, Abuse Women, Enslave children plunder and burn cities are falling rapidly in gondor and rohan edoras and minas tirith expect attack. This is The D&D Co-Op part of rp You have 30 points and can choose
Stealth Knowledge Wisdom Strength Cunning Charm
You Are all in a grey dwarven dungean with nothing but clothes and your memories the door is locked and 4 dwarves clad in Rugged Galvorn armor stand at the gate wielding swords from the fall of utumno you are allowed one weapon in the dungean
Rules: Wikia Rules
Welcome, Shang Sung formally invites your signature character to the next Mortal Kombat tournament. If a Kombatant from ArdaRealm manages to win then your world will be spared, if not then ArdaRealm will be absorbed into Outworld. The competition begins in 1 month (Tomorrow real time) The current roster is:
Shang Sung
Quan Chi
(These are just Outworld and NetherRealm members from MK9 because Arda is replacing EarthRealm, if you want EarthRealm characters or MKX kombatants to be added just ask)
It is 1442. 2000 years after a rouge alien specias destroyed earth along with themselves.
Prolouge: *somewhere on a ship* a loud noice like exsausht coming out of pipes rings through the ships and sleeping chambers unlock. on the Uss.Hope its a 50 mile long ship filled with 30 million people. before the fall mankind created a mega ship to survive. They launched the ship into space under heavy fire of the aliens a sonic pulse knocked the ship 700 miles off course.The commanders were sabotaged and a alien snuck aboard the ship setting all of the sleep chambers for 2000 years.
DD2 is co-hosting this rp with me
"sir the ship is arriving at the solar system" they arrived and saw mars was 3/4 larger debris from when earth exploded impacted mars creating the right conditions for life. they saw small city complexs. i appeared someone had arrived first. several rouges on the ship boarded several large flagships bringing with them their political follwers. the main ones were. ISTA (international space travel alliance), atlas, and The New USSR (NUSSR) they killed most other factions. ATLAS stole 4 flagships, ISTA stole 6 and NUSSR stole 6. the remaining factions on the ship began fighting over it untill they took control of it no flagships were left but it was like a moving fortress. they were called the DTOH (dominion of the only hope
All the typical wikia rules
Faction: Atlas
Location: fleeing towards neptune (DTOH hovers above where earth was, NUSSR heads to venus, and ISTA heads to tritan)
weapons: Laser m16 with jetboots and tons of other gear
This is Shurtagul
It is the day of the Akallabeth. All your characters escape, or weren't their in the first place. You are the remains of a once great empire, and you establish mighty kingdoms on the mainland. Will you ally with Sauron, the Elendili, or none at all?
Name: Azrukhor III
Race: 1/16 Ethnic Numenorean, the rest Numenorean
Gender: Male
Faction: Umbar
Ranks: Emperor
Alliances: None as of yet
Weapons: Numenorean bastard sword
Armor: Numenorean Armor
Fac Description: A seaside costal kingdom, controls Umbaran peninsula and some surrounding colonies
Story: Not much to tell, acended the Throne of Umbar, what used to be a Principaliate of Numenor.
This is where we do a restart of the Star Saga RP.
This is the LOTR, set in the 9th age of Middle-Earth. Unless you can think up a good reason, all of your characters have been dead thousands of years. Here's some story:
It was the seventh age. Middle-Earth had just undergone something similar to the industrial revolution. All remnants of the Orcish civilization were shattered. Eru deemed it their time for enlightenment. He called back an old friend, a friend who had left in the fifth age. Eureka Enderborn. He came to Middle-Earth and showed them all what he really was: A robotic Enderman. He explained to them all the worlds beyond their own, all the places. And he showed them how to build magnificent machinery. Within 50 years, Arda went from industrial revolution to star-travelers. The Valar left back to Eru's pantheon in the stars. The Elves, giving Arda over to mankind, migrated to Zenia, a beautiful, tropical, lush paradise world. The Dwarves, after much consideration, also left. They settled on the rocky mineral-rich planet of Kordiak. As for humanity, they were allowed to keep a hold of Arda, but they didn't just stop there. While each species carved themselves out a little empire in the stars, it was humanity that truly expanded, eventually reaching the point where they were two times the size of the Dwarven Empire, and four times the size of the Elven one. And so it was that Eureka Enderborn left once again, saying "No matter what happens, no matter how much danger you may face in the future, you will never EVER see me ever again."
Unbeknownst to everyone, the few nomadic remnants of the Orc civilization stole plans for a rocket and launched themselves into space. They traveled unbelievably far in an attempt to hide from humanity. Eventually they found a monstrous magma world, which they proceeded to name Utumna. It was here that they established a capital. There was much infighting amongst the Orcs as to who would be leader, until eventually an alien came down from the skies. No one quite knew how he got there. This alien, calling himself Lord Vladak, commanded the Orcs to obey him. The Orcs refused. They attempted to attack him, when suddenly he hovered off the ground, his eyes beneath his black hood began to glow purple, his body turned blood red, and a massive thunderstorm of purple lightning circled around him. All around cracks appeared in the ash-covered rock, and volcanoes erupted violently. A ring of fire surrounded him. He pulled out a pitch black sword coursing with purple lightning and, with a simple flick, sent twenty Orcs flying. Not dead, just shaken and injured. Amazed, the Orcs bowed before the alien whom they now revered as a god. Under his leadership their civilization spread across the stars at a rate even greater than humanity. And then, the Orcs found humanity and the Elves and Dwarves, and led by their hooded and cloaked leader, declared war.
So here are the rules: basically all the rules from the previous RPs. Keep in mind: though this is the space age, and though lasers do exist, they are somewhat rare. Advanced machine guns and other projectile weapons are much more common.
After the downfall of Sideous and Vader, and the death of the Empire, the new Republic reigned for 400 years in peace and galactic prosperity. The Jedi Order flourished, and is now three times the size it was in the beggining of the Clone Wars. Soon, as is human nature, the nobles of the Republic gradually took over, and the Republic slowly evolved onto an Oligarchy, with only the semblance of a democracy. Only an exorbitant amount of credits could buy you a council seat or the Presidency. Soon, science and research began to stagnate. The Jedi found themselves a island of civilization, in what was becoming a sea of barbarism. Men did not question, and the downfall of the Republic was beggining. One Thousand years after the fall of Vader, and the outer rim was breaking away. The Republic, with its grasp on these outer regions ever loosening, had no way to stop their fracture into countless independent Kingdoms. No one really understands the working of the ancient machinery of the early Republic, and the ancient star destroyers are but relics, used but not understood. The Jedi is also fracturing. Many Jedi, unsatisfied with the current condition, have broken away, and either have joined the Outer Rim Kingdoms, which are in a constant state of war, or turn to the teachings of the ancient Sith as inspiration. Those that are loyal to the republic are the Republicans, and those that are not are labeled Renegades. The Jedi, both Republicans and Renegades, are now looked upon as magicians, and are more often then now the leaders of these kingdoms. The reach of the Barberian kingdoms is ever reaching towards the center of the galaxy, and now some kingdoms in the middle rim are beginning to seperate the selves. Will you stem the tide of the Outer Rim Kingdoms, and restore the glory of the Republic, or will you fight against it, and crush the husk of the once proud Republic? It is for you to decide.
This RP is mostly centered around the Jedi, and their personal clashes with each other. The rulers of the Outer Rim Kingdoms are almost exclusivly force users, and they have become an elite class, so to speak.
(if you have a lightsaber, use the below
Lightsaber Design:
Lightsaber Type:
Lightsaber Color: )
Force Ability: (Yes or No. If you do, explain what level you are at)
Fighting Style: (Form 1, 2, 3 ...)
Skills: (besides force)
Quirks: (anything that dosent fit under above)