Middle Earth Roleplay Wiki

Me, Edacnik and Indom are crusader knights fighting Muslims in the 1200s, but for some reason I had a swept hilt broadsword even though there were no such weapons in the Crusades.

We're fighting very well, but a while in we're clearly in deep shit, against dozens of Saracens. Then Argali shows up as a Jewish serf from Germany, and tries to get the Christians and Muslims to stop figthing each other. Then he gets his head chopped off by a German knight, who yells something about "Christ killers", even though I shouldn't be able to understand his language.

Then somehow the four of us are in a Roman Senate meeting, arguing over the morality of the massacres in captured cities. Things escalate fast, and the German calls for help from two other knights, one English and the other French. I'm left with the French knight while Indom and Ed fight the English(who turns out to be Richard the Lionheart) and German (who is some guy who says we should have heard of him) ones. My French opponent turns out to be Charlemagne himself. Then Robin Hood shows up and tells Richard of John's tyranny, and they both leave. 

Then all of us remaining knights are in Japan in the middle of a battle between two clans of samurai. We agree to put aside our differences when a group of samurai approaches with suspiciously agressive looks in their eyes. We handle them pretty easily, their katanas barely damaging our stronger European armor, and our straight swords piercing theirs. After the battle, we are surrounded by many ashigaru and samurai, and get taken prisoner. Suprisingly, the daimyo decides to allow us "dishonored cowards" to fight in his army, with the ashigaru.

After many battles, the daimyo decides we have made up for our previous "disgrace", and gives us the daisho swords(which we do not use, but do wear at court), making us samurai. Then I woke up.
